Fugisoft LLC Apps

KeePassDroid For Google Drive 1.99.10
Fugisoft LLC
This is a prototype of Google Drive supportfor KeePassDroid. Any kdb or kdbx files should be accessed only bylaunching from Google Drive rather than locally to prevent losingdata.This is a fork of the KeePassDroid project on github with a pullrequest submitted back to the original author to incorporate thechanges and support will not be provided as this app is for testingonly. On the other hand, you will probably get capacity 1000 withall the G's in the cloud so it is probably worth it.
Hanging With Cheaters Free 1.0
Fugisoft LLC
Need to beat your friends at Hangman gameslike Hanging With Friends? Just use Hanging With Cheaters and youwill always figure out those tricky words.Features:A Word Guesser that provides a list of all possible words as wellas suggests the best letter that should be the next guessA Word Picker that helps choose long or unusual words whenselecting a word for your opponent to guessA dictionary to look up the meaning of all of the new wordsyou’ll be playing (in case anyone calls YOU a cheater)Support for different word lists and the ability to customize minand max lengths of wordsGeneral Information:The word guesser and picker activities should be very easy to usewhile playing Hanging With Friends or other Hangman games and thehelp in the app can provide additional information.Use the Android multi-task capability to toggle between yourword game and Hanging With Cheaters and then use the transparencyslider to see the word game in the background.Please send all feedback and suggestions to [email protected] we can improve the app for everyone!Disclaimer:All references to other word games are not meant to violate anycopyrights or trademarks but are merely used as a means to aid theuser in playing those respective games.
Words With Cheaters Free 1.3.8
Fugisoft LLC
Want to always win in your favorite wordgames? Use Words With Cheaters!New - Now featuring a one of a kind "Board Solver", withscreenshot import (not all words game screenshots are supported),to solve the board and show you exactly where to play in yourfavorite word games!Unsure about the best play in your favorite word game? Does itseem like your “friends” must be cheating because they always playhigher scoring words than you? Download Words With Cheaters and thetables will be turned since you’ll always know the highest scoringplay!Features:An incredible board solver the tries your letters in everypossible spot on the board and tells you the absolute best plays(taking into account blank tiles, all board bonus tiles, etc)An ultra fast word finder that finds all possible words (andtheir point values) that you could playA word checker to check if a word is valid or notA crossword helper to use when stumped in your favoritecrossword puzzlesA dictionary to look up the meaning of all of the new wordsyou’ll be playing (in case anyone calls YOU a cheater)General Details:Click on a word in the results list to lookup the definitionfrom an online dictionary.Use the menu button to change preferences such as the min andmax word length that you would like to see in the results as wellas the game that you are playing.Selecting the correct game is important because this determineswhich word list will be used when searching for the results as wellas how many points each word is worth. Many of the most populargames are supported.Use the menu button to access the help screen at any point inthe app.Use the standard Android multi-tasking capability to switchbetween Words With Cheaters and your word game. This is done byholding down the home button on most devices.Board Solver Details:Enter your tiles in the text box at the top (using question mark“?” for blank tiles) and then drag letters down onto the boardimage to duplicate a current board you would like to solve. Longpress on a placed letter to remove it from the board. Press thesolve button. The top results and their point values will appear ina horizontal scrolling list near the top of the screen. Press anyresult to see its position on the board. Long press on a result tosee the definition for that word. Use the menu button to managemultiple boards (new, open, save, delete) or to switch the gametype. The free version is limited to only 15 letters allowed on theboard you are solving and the top 3 results are hidden. The paidversion removes these limitations.Word Finder Details:Enter your tiles and (optionally) enter any letters on the boardthat you would like to play across. Board letters will behighlighted in a different color in the results to assist when yougo to play that word on the board. Use the question mark character(“?”) for your blank tiles. You can also sort the results by pointvalue, word length, or alphabetically.Word Checker Details:Enter an exact word that you would like to check to see if it isvalid.Crossword Details:Enter the exact number of letters for the word you are trying tosolve, using the letters you know and the question mark character(“?”) for letters you don’t know.Beat the cheaters!Permissions needed only to download ads and look up worddefinitions.
Hangman Helper 1.2
Fugisoft LLC
Word helper for hangman style games.
MQTT Broker 1.0
Fugisoft LLC
The MQTT protocol is a popular standardthatallows devices to communicate using a publish/subscribepattern.The application responsible for distributing the messagesbetweenthe devices/clients is called the "broker". AlthoughAndroidapplications typically play the role of the MQTT client inmanysensor and IOT scenarios, in some cases it is useful to runtheMQTT broker as an Android application (background service).Seemqtt.org for more information about the MQTT protocol.This MQTT Broker app is designed to be a simplebackgroundservice that can be started or stopped. While running, itwilllisten on the configured port (defaults to 1883). Also, ifthedevice is rebooted while the MQTT broker is running, the appwillstart in the background automatically once the device hasfinishedrebooting.Other MQTT clients running on the same device cancommunicatewith the broker via localhost/ Remote MQTTclients cancommunicate via the device's current IP address (ex: atypical WIFIaddress might look something like
Words With Cheaters 1.3.8
Fugisoft LLC
Want to always win in your favorite word games? Use Words WithCheaters!